The exclusive Cactus Lounge Cafè

Once a vineyard, some time ago this area inside Giardini Ravino turned into our gorgeous Cactus Lounge Café, an airy, unique place immersed in the lush vegetation of our garden, built and furnished according to several ethnical and Mediterranean styles which melt and create a relaxing and regenerating ambience.

In its surroundings Villa Ravino guests can taste their breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack or an aperitif at the sunset. On Tuesday the Cactus Lounge Café is closed after the breakfast service, whereas on Thursday is open for breakfast and dinner. 

One of the most intriguing services is the opportunity to rent a small privé in the open air for a whole evening, located on the roof of our Cafè, to spend some time in a romantic and discrete atmosphere and taste fresh snacks, appetizers and drinks. Moreover, the whole location of the Cactus Lounge Café can also be rent for special events such as weddings, graduation or birthday parties, corporate conventions, private meetings.



As for our refreshment point, one can choose among several dishes of the day, fresh fish of the day and products from our vegetable garden, finger food and homemade desserts. Along with a complete cafeteria, wine, liqueur and soft drink choice, our most exclusive speciality is the well-known Cactus Cocktail, which also had headlines on the newspaper La Repubblica in August 2015 as one of the four best summer drinks in Italy. It is based on fresh fruit, cacti seeds (which vary according to the season), passion flower juice, four different kinds of mint grown at Giardini Ravino, a pinch of pepper and chili-pepper and, just in the alcoholic recipe, a measure of tequila.


A special mention is deserved by our Secret Aperitif: A special appointment available every day, except on Tuesday up to 21:30). By calling +39 329 4983920 or +39 081 997783 or +39 349 3510938 or writing to, you will have the chance to book sweet and savoury appetizers, local specialities or dishes of the day and every kind of beverages, to be enjoyed in an outstanding location. Live music on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the Cactus Lounge Cafè in touch with nature and take a sit in our exclusive natural scenario under the stars! 


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