When we decided to host Art in our Ravino Garden, or better, when Ravino Garden asked us to host Art in every form, we felt unease about available and suitable areas for the most noble human discipline. This triggered us to give birth to a wide room which could offer, reserve and ensure independence from the rest of the Resort and equipped walls as well but, first of all, an inspiring atmosphere for artists which could make them feel at ease and welcomed. We hope we have succeeded in getting our purpose!
From an old cistern we built up an intimate, white hall with sea view. Its coherent and genuine architecture is able to evoke the belly of a whale. Joining the same spirit of our Garden, Moby Dick keeps our original story made of passion and love for what we do and first of all what we want to offer; a fundamental concept for those who take care of hospitality.
Since 2008 Moby Dick boasts seasonal programs of events, exhibitions, Yoga sessions, conferences, meetings, vernissage and so on.
Opening time, price and Walking guide
VediMoby Dick Gallery
VediCafè Bar
Vedithe garden as Location
Vedivideos of events, home videos, recent and past continuous ...
VediStory of 60 years of passion
VediDirection and useful information
VediA Succulent Collection Unique in Europe
VediS.S. 270 Citara - 80075 Forio d'Ischia (NA) I ITALY - Tel./Fax +39 081 997783 - Email : info@ravino.it